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The Metropolitan Districts in Meridian Ranch were established in 2000 using a common arrangement under the state law that governs Colorado Special Districts, known as Title 32. Special districts are local governments that are created to pay for and operate public infrastructure (like water & sewer systems, parks, or streets) in new developments to keep other taxpayers in a city or country from having to pay for new development in other areas. It's one way that new development pays for itself by giving private developers access to low-cost, tax-exempt capital early in the development cycle for construction of infrastructure. Without developer-built roads, water mains, and sewer treatment, Meridian Ranch probably wouldn't exist!

Meridian Ranch Metropolitan District (MRMD) has an important, but very limited function: it pays for the construction and improvement of the community's infrastructure by issuing bonded debt to raise capital, and then paying that debt off over time using tap fees (selling water & sewer taps to developers for new homes and commercial properties to access the District's water & sewer system) and property taxes it levies and collects on property in the District. The electors for MRMD are all the residents of Meridian Ranch. MRMD has no employees and relies on the staff of MSMD for some administriatve support. Here's a map of the Meridian Ranch Metro District borders, and also a map of the MRMD 2018 Subdistrict, which was created to levy taxes on newer areas of the community so that older neighborhoods wouldn't have to foot the bill for new development.

To operate the infrastructure that MRMD has raised the funds to build, MRMD has a long-standing agreement with Meridian Service Metropolitan District (MSMD). MSMD delivers clean, safe drinking water; treats and disposes of wastewater (sewage); make sure the streetlights stay on; maintain our parks, open space, and recreation center; and ensure that our stormwater system conveys rainwwater through the District's open spaces. MSMD pays for the operation of these systems by collecting monthly fees from every household in Meridain Ranch. Here's a map of MSMD's borders.

For more detailed information about what your Metro Districts do for our community, visit the General FAQ page.

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