Butch Gabrielski
I am a candidate for reelection to the Meridian Ranch Metropolitan District Board of Directors.
Experience: I am a property owner in Meridian Ranch and graduate from the University of Wisconsin - Madison and relocated to Colorado in 1976. During my career I have been a manager in the creation of some of the largest communities in Colorado and was responsible for the budgeting and expenditure of multimillions of dollars.
My involvement in Meridian Ranch began since its very inception in a variety of positions having worked with the planning, plat approvals and construction development through the early phases of infrastructure, to serving as President of the Board for many years.
During my tenure MRMD has entered into a number of Intergovernmental Agreements (IGA's) with which has increased MRMD's service capabilities and deferred rate costs that might have been otherwise realized by the residents. I have a strong fiduciary responsibility to the residents of Meridian Ranch and keep a close eye on the funds and funding of all capital projects. Our recent consolidation of debt and funding for the second recreation center has made us stronger financially and an even more desirable community. Through many years we have continued to maintain the lowest service rates in the area.
When you vote please consider my knowledge of the Meridian Ranch Community, its physical infrastructure, its service needs and the service resources, plus my fiduciary respect for the MRMD funds and services provided. Thank You.